After stumbling over my feet, while daydreaming and staring into the skies, I came to the conclusion of a needed reprieve. So figured it's time for a snack, and what better than an apple? Tasty and also a wonderful prop. Gerald ( can testify to that, since he is going strong with his daily apples.
PINK FIELDS 12" x 9" pastel on canvas panel PRIVATE COLLECTOR I'm teaching "Introduction to Pastels" once again at UCSD Extension this summer and will be covering a whole array of techniques from washes, to layering and strokes and in various genres. "PINK FIELDS" was the demo piece in illustrating washes on textured panels in an impressionistic style. So if you want to learn more on this medium, as well as have a barrel of fun, please click here to read more and sign up.
Hi Susan, thanks for the kudos! I love your apple painting! This makes me want to get my hands dirty with some real pastels :)